I occasionally use BookWyrm for sharing what I’m reading, and I love the interactions on there. (This “part of a larger community” feeling is what I’ve loved about our reading sites like GoodReads in the past as well.)

Simultaneously, I’m most reliable about tracking my reading here—and I’m still aiming to write more posts that link to these notes, somewhat like Mandy Brown does in her A Working Library site.

As you’ll notice, I often read works in parallel. For the next couple years, I’ll also be heavily prioritizing the things on my Ph.D. exam reading lists.

Currently Reading

My Current Comprehensive Exam Lists

Previously Read



  • :page_facing_up: Actively Engaging Students in Asynchronous Online Classes. by Shannon A. Riggs & Kathryn E. Linder open access :herb:

    Abstract: This paper suggests a three-pronged approach for conceptualizing active learning in the online asynchronous class: the creation of an architecture of engagement in the online classroom, the use of web-based tools in addition to the learning management system, and a re-imagining of discussion boards as interactive spaces.

  • :book: Modernist Informatics: Literature, Information, and the State by James Purdon :herb:

    Purdon examines modernist fiction to trace how writers experienced information culture as a disturbing interruption and governmental intrusion.


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