
Note status: :herb:

In Brief

Darby and Lang offer a wealth of small interventions one can make to improve the experiences of online learners and teachers. I definitely recommend this for anyone who teaches online.

Initial Summary and Context

Darby and Lang offer a wealth of small interventions one can make to improve the experiences of online learners and teachers. I definitely recommend this for anyone who teaches online.

I read this as part of a Quality Matters book club, with my own group facilitated by a colleague at my institution. It was a delight to read and discuss it with others in small chunks every few weeks. If you can do something similar, I’d recommend that as well.

Reading Details

:book: Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes | OpenLibrary
By: Flower Darby & James M. Lang
Started: 2024-03-07
Finished: 2024-05-10
Amount read: 207252 of 252 pages

207252 pages
  • :seedling: = emerging note
  • :herb: = established note
  • :evergreen_tree: = evergreen note
  • open access = open access
  • :closed_lock_with_key: = paywalled
  • general web link = general web link


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