
Note status: :herb:

In Brief

You know how film has the idea of a MacGuffin, a device that sets the plot in motion but fades in importance? Well, this book absolutely does discuss the role a syllabus plays in a course—but it quickly expands into addressing larger concerns such as pedagogy, community, and activity.

Reading Details

:book: Syllabus: The Remarkable, Unremarkable Document That Changes Everything | OpenLibrary
By: Wiliam Germano & Kit Nicholls
Started: 2025-03-20
Amount read: 115 of 204 pages

115 pages
  • :seedling: = emerging note
  • :herb: = established note
  • :evergreen_tree: = evergreen note
  • open access = open access
  • :closed_lock_with_key: = paywalled
  • general web link = general web link


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