Ryan Randall
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HO 0107 - 02: Medical Law and Ethics
Prerequisite for several ISU degrees
Consider using more frequent, short videos
Vanderbuilt's educational video review suggests
videos be no longer than 6-9 minutes
UDL guidelines suggest multiple modes for
engaging with content and communicating student understanding
Informal, shorter videos can address:
Consider optional student video or multimedia responses on forum Assignments
Media exclusively? media as supplements to written elements? Your choice!
CAST has useful, short pages on using audio, images, and videos accessibly
These could address:
Consider a Student-Faculty Forum, similar to your existing Student-Student Forum
UDL encourages adaptive design, and the Universal Design for Learning: A Practical Guide* encourages student feedback as part of "design thinking"
* written by Takacs and Zhang of the Justice Institute of British Columbia, therefore not one of CAST's official UDL resources… but very useful!
Formative student feedback could help:
Consider Clarifying and Minimizing Potential Sources of Confusion
This could address:
Consider adding your own synthesis or highlights to materials
Referring to course performance and learning objectives is a strength!
Reducing the executive function necessary for students to make these connections takes this strength further
UDL has excellent examples for clarifying
For example, you could list assignments in more strictly chronological sequence
Consider Using Inline Frames for Documents
Moodle's documentation has more details on using IFrames in Moodle.
Additional "What Will You Learn" Summaries
These can help students:
You've already begun doing this!
Consider doing it more intentionally and consistently