![Map showing relationship of Boise and Calgary on map]()
- Cultural studies on agency & cultural criticism
- Traditional LIS accounts of patron agency
- Examples of how to encourage agency
Cultural Studies & Agency
![Cover of Grossberg's Bringing It All Back Home]()
"Capitol Crawl" for the ADA
![Protestors climbing U.S. Capitol building steps as a protest in favor of passing the ADA]()
1990 protest for Americans with Disabilities Act
![Gender Neutral Bathroom sign]()
Cultural Criticism
![cover of Reading the Romance]()
Janice Radway, Reading the Romance and reader response criticism focusing on how readers use texts
Critiques of Library Discourse around Agency
Pedagogical orientation
- Problem-posing rather than banking model
- Signage that presents a theme rather than a set
- Investing in & displaying material collection with an eye to its pedagogical potential
Works Cited
- Burt, Laura. "Vivian Harsh, Adult Education, and the Library's Role as Community Center." Libraries & the Cultural Record vol. 44, no. 2, 2009, pp. 234-55.
- Buschman, John. Libraries, Classrooms, and the Interests of Democracy: Marking the Limits of Neoliberalism. The Scarecrow P, 2012.
- Giroux, Henry. "Schooling and the Culture of Positivism: Notes on the End of History." 1979. On Critical Pedagogy. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011, pp. 19-47.
Works Cited, cont.
- Grossberg, Lawrence. Bringing It All Back Home: Essays on Cultural Studies. Duke UP, 1997.
- Radway, Janice A. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature. U of North Carolina P, 1984.
- Wiegand, Wayne. "To Reposition a Research Agenda: What American Studies Can Teach the LIS Community about the Library in the Life of the User." The Library Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 4, 2003. pp. 369-82.
- Williams, Raymond. Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Oxford UP, 1976.
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