Here are some of the more library-related things I’ve done. This is current as of 2015-10-10. My full cv is available here.
Presentations and Talks
Productive Interpretations: Encouraging Patron Agency Through Cultural Criticism, CAPAL 2016
LIS Education and New Conceptions of Democracy, 2015 Symposium on LIS Education
- “LIS Education and New Conceptions of Democracy.” 2015 Symposium on LIS Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2015.
- Entries in the The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History, ed. Joan Rubin and Scott E. Casper. (2013.)
Technical Reports
- “The Next Generation of Academics: A Report on a Study Conducted at the University of Rochester.” Co-authored with Katie Clark, Jane Smith, and Nancy Fried Foster. (2008.)
- “Designing the Academic Library Catalog: A Review of Relevant Literature and Projects.” Co-authored with Nancy Fried Foster. (2007.)
- “Critical Information Literacy as Collaborative Praxis.” Co-presented with Jessica Critten, Karen Nicholson, and Eamon Tewell. Cultural Studies Association Conference, Riverside, CA. 2015.
- “LIS Education and New Conceptions of Democracy.”
2015 Symposium on LIS Education, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2015.
Presentation link. - “Undergraduate as Creator, Undergraduate as Curator: Exploring the Role of the Instruction Librarian in the Digital Humanities.” Co-presented with Katherine Ahnberg, Megan Browndorf, and Cynthia Fisher. The Collective, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2015. http://sched.co/233V
- “Community Building Workshop.” Co-led with Meghan McGrath.
Women in Information Science Symposium, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2014. - “Digital Maps at IU.” Lighting Round talk co-presented with Theresa Quill.
IU Libraries In-House Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2014. - “Don’t Know Much About [Digital] Humanities?” Co-presented with Katherine Ahnberg. New Directions in Information Fluency, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, 2014. Presentation link.
Blog Posts Elsewhere
Hack Library School
- This is Not a Pipette: Bringing Humanities Methods into LIS Programs (2015-08-13.)
- Cloud Storage: Dropbox (2015-07-16.)
- Presentation Alternatives: Reveal.js (2015-06-18.)
HackQuirk Your Demonstrations. (2015-04-06.)- How do you take notes? (or Markdown and Bullet Journals). (2015-01-20.)
- #critlib: Chatty Critical Librarianship on Twitter. (2014-12-08.)
ET2 Blog (the Government Information, Maps, and Microform Services Department at IU’s Herman B Wells Library)
- Hoosier Hysteria—the local version of “March Madness” (2015-03-17.)
- Solar System, Comets, and Asteroid Maps (2014-11-25.)
- Indiana Statewide Elections: Tuesday, November 4th (2014-10-30.)
Digital Signage
- “2014 Indiana State Elections” slideshow for the ET2 Digital Displays.
- “Literary Maps” slideshow for the ET2 Digital Displays.
Raincross Underground
Begun for my Digital Libraries class with John Walsh, Raincross Underground is an Omeka site with items from a Riverside, CA creative scene that existed during the early 2000s. It includes images, sounds, and TEI markup of songs from a band I was in.
Bloomington City Directories Finding Guide
Making the Bloomington City Directories Finding Guide began with an inventory of the various directories held by the Herman B Wells Library. Then I had to decide the best way to organize and present this information to our patrons. Finally, I wrote the html code to inclue the guide on the website.
Indiana Historical Maps Digital Collection
Although the work of digitizing this collection began before I arrived at the Government Documents, Maps, and Microform Services department, the Indiana Historical Maps Digital Collection project took the bulk of my first year there. A large part of my role as the Maps Graduate Assistant involved digitizing and adding maps to this collection, as well as determining, adding, and standardizing appropriate metadata like tags that relevant researchers would find useful throughout the collection.
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