Here are some of the more library-related things I’ve done. This is current as of 2015-10-10. My full cv is available here.

Presentations and Talks

Productive Interpretations: Encouraging Patron Agency Through Cultural Criticism, CAPAL 2016

intro slide

LIS Education and New Conceptions of Democracy, 2015 Symposium on LIS Education



Technical Reports


Blog Posts Elsewhere

Hack Library School

ET2 Blog (the Government Information, Maps, and Microform Services Department at IU’s Herman B Wells Library)

Digital Signage

  • “2014 Indiana State Elections” slideshow for the ET2 Digital Displays.
  • “Literary Maps” slideshow for the ET2 Digital Displays.


Raincross Underground

Raincross Underground Babyhead Image

Begun for my Digital Libraries class with John Walsh, Raincross Underground is an Omeka site with items from a Riverside, CA creative scene that existed during the early 2000s. It includes images, sounds, and TEI markup of songs from a band I was in.

Bloomington City Directories Finding Guide

Bloomington City Directories Finding Guide

Making the Bloomington City Directories Finding Guide began with an inventory of the various directories held by the Herman B Wells Library. Then I had to decide the best way to organize and present this information to our patrons. Finally, I wrote the html code to inclue the guide on the website.

Indiana Historical Maps Digital Collection


Although the work of digitizing this collection began before I arrived at the Government Documents, Maps, and Microform Services department, the Indiana Historical Maps Digital Collection project took the bulk of my first year there. A large part of my role as the Maps Graduate Assistant involved digitizing and adding maps to this collection, as well as determining, adding, and standardizing appropriate metadata like tags that relevant researchers would find useful throughout the collection.


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